Marco De Pietri studied at the University of Pavia (Italy), achieving the Bachelor Degree (2012 - thesis: "La Collezione egizia delle Raccolte Archeologiche dell'Università degli Studi di Pavia") and the Master Degree (2015 - thesis: "Per lo studio della glittica anatolica del II millennio a.C.: indici dei nomi, prosopografia, analisi del titolo 'SCRIBA'") in "Classical and oriental Antiquities", focusing on both Ancient Near East and Egypt. At the same University, he got the PhD in "History: Mediterranean Civilizations during the pre-classic, classic, and Medieval Ages (Historical, philological, archaeological studies on the Ancient Near East between 3rd and 1st mill. BC; Egypt in the pre-classic era; Hebrew and biblical philology)" with a dissertation entitled "Evidence of contacts between pharaonic Egypt and the State entities of Hittite and Post-Hittite Anatolia".
He joined (2013-2018) the archaeological excavation of the University of Pavia and ISAW, NYU at Kınık Höyük in Southern Cappadocia, Turkey .
He is also a collaborator of the Qumran Caves Publication Project (ISCAB - Theological Faculty of Lugano, Swiss) aiming at investigating the Qumran Caves; on behalf of this institution, he joined archaeological surveys and excavations at Qumran (2017: Cave 11Q; 2019: Caves 3Q and 6Q), performing archive and museal researches at the EBAF and the "Rockefeller Museum" (Jerusalem).

Since 2014, he has been collaborating with Prof. Dr. Giorgio Buccellati, as regards the following activities:
- 2014: collaboration to the workshop "L'ermeneutica dell'archeologia" ("The Hermeneutic of Archaeology") kept at the "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore", Milano;
- 2014-2015: collaboration to the "Critique of Archaeological Reason" website;
- 2018-present: "Section Editor" of the archaeological bibliography ("e-Library"), related to the archaeological site of Urkesh;
- 2020-present: collaboration to the online publication of notes and bibliography on the website "Mesopotamian Religion".
Since 2017, he has been contributing to the updating of the "Hethitische Bibliographie" and the database "Sammlung hieroglyphischer Siegel" (SHS) of the "Hethitologie Portal Mainz". Currently, he is also in charge for the publication of the Egyptological collections of the "Musei Civici" and of "The University of Pavia Archaeology Museum", Pavia (Italy). |
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Since 2018, he has been attending courses about ancient Egyptian language at the "Pontifical Biblical Institute" in Rome.
His researches primarily focus on contacts and relationships between Ancient Near East (mainly Hittites) and Egypt, on Hittite prosopography, on Egyptian collections in Italy, and on Egyptian funerary papyri of the Third Intermediate Period (mostly "Amduat").
Further biographical and academic information is available at the following links:
- PhD, UNIPV: http://phdstoria.unipv.eu/site/home/archivio-tesi/archivio-tesi.html
- Academia.edu: https://unipv.academia.edu/MarcoDePietri
- ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marco_De_Pietri3
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.it/citations?hl=it&user=JEkwR_AAAAAJ
- Humanities Commons: https://hcommons.org/members/marcodepietri1990/
- PERET: https://peretresearchers.wordpress.com/researchers/
- ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1330-2617